Palladium-catalyzed oxidative arene C–H alkenylation reactions involving olefins



Palladium-catalyzed oxidative arene C–H alkenylation reactions with alkenes has increased the toolbox of synthetic for C–C bond formation to provide access biologically relevant molecules and drugs in an efficient, atom-economical, environmentally friendly way.The use easily removable or transient directing groups and/or ligands allows control site selectivity achieve selective functionalization C(sp2)–H bonds at ortho, meta, para, even remote positions, also improving reactivity.The intramolecular variant these can lead construction a variety heterocyclic systems via exo endo processes.Ligand design is key achieving enantioselective generate central, axial, planar chirality. The palladium-catalyzed reaction been established as central transformation enable carbon–carbon way. 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عنوان ژورنال: Trends in chemistry

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2589-5974', '2589-7209']